The NNGA is a volunteer based non-profit organization founded to represent, promote and serve the best interests of golf in the state of Nevada. NNGA was founded in 1972 and has since served amateur golfers in Nevada. The NNGA’s goals are to promote voluntary association of golf clubs and course facilities solely for the betterment of golf and to encourage good relations among members of the Association. To advance uniform rules and standards consistent with those published by the USGA, especially with regard to the Handicap System, Amateur Status, and Rules of Golf. To establish and maintain uniform handicap and course rating systems consistent with USGA recommended procedures. To conduct local and state competition and to assist individual member club activities. To engage in and promote such other activities deemed to be in the best interest of golf, and amateur golfers in Northern Nevada.
The Northern Nevada Golf Association is the official representative and is licensed by the United States Golf Association to conduct all aspects of the game for Northern Nevada.
Learn more about the Northern Nevada Golf Association here.